Книга: Странности нашего тела
Глава 14
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Глава 14
1. Dolnitk, E., ‘Scared to Death’, Hippocrates, March/April 1989, pp. 106, 108.
2. AFP, ‘Doc Died Happy’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 23 May 1989, p. 10.
3. Gould, G. & Pyle, W., Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine, Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1897, p. 523.
4. Corliss, W., Biological Anomalies: Humans I, Glen Arm, Maryland, The Sourcebook Project, 1992, p. 78.
5. Michell, J. & Rickard, R., Phenomena: A Book of Wonders, New York, Pantheon Books, 1977, p. 24.
6. Cooper, D. & Cooper, R., ‘On the Luminosity of the Human Subject After Death, With Remarks and Details of Experiments Made With a View of Determining the Nature of the Fuel’, Philosophical Magazine, 1838, 3: 12: 420–426.
7. Landy, H., Weiner, S., Corson, S., Batzer, F. & Bolognese, R., The Vanishing Twin”: Ultrasonographic Assessment of Fetal Disappearance in the First Trimester”, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1986, 155: 14–19.
8. Juan, S., Only Human, Sydney, Random House Australia, 1990, pp. 103–104.
9. Brown-Sequard, C., ‘Attitudes After Death’, Knowledge, 1884, 6: 115–118.
10. Rogo, D., The Return From Silence, Wellingborough, Aquarian Press, 1989, p. 24.
11. Moody, R., Life After Life, New York, Mockingbird Books, 1975.
12. Morse, M., Transformed By the Light, New York, Villard Books, 1992.
13. Ring, K., Life After Death, New York, Quill, 1982, and Ring, K., The Omega Project, New York, William Morrow, 1992.
14. Mauro, J., ‘Bright Lights, Dig Mystery’, Psychology Today, July/August 1992, pp. 54–57, 80–82, quoted in Juan, S., ‘Memories Brought Back From Death’, The Times On Sunday, 1 Match 1987, p. 32.
15. Stack, S. & Lester, D. ‘Born Under a Bad Sign? Astrological Sign and Suicide Ideation’, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1988, 66: 461–462, p. 461.
16. Juan, S., ‘A Tendency Towards Suicide May Just Be a Bad Sign From the Sun’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 23 November 1989, p. 17.
17. Reuters, ‘Boy Keeps Bursting Into Flames’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 2 May 1990, p. 19.
18. Randles, J. & Hough, P., Death By Supernatural Causes, London, Grafton, 1989.
19. Knight, B., ‘Rainy-Day Read’, New Scientist, 28 January 1989, р. 74.
20. Juan, S., ‘Combustion Theory Goes Up in Smoke’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 8 March 1989, p. 17.
21. Lieber, A., ‘Human Aggression and the Lunar Synodic Cycle’, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 1978, 39: 385–393.
22. Lester, D., ‘Temporal Variation in Suicide and Homicide’, American Journal of Epidemiology, 1979, 109: 517–520.
23. Little, G., Bowers, R. & Little, L., ‘Geophysical Variables and Behavior’, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1987, 64: 1212.
24. Coates, W., Jehle, D. & Cottington, E., ‘Trauma and the Full Moon: A Waning Theory’, Annals of Emergency Medicine, 1989, 18: 763–765, quoted in Juan, S., ‘Does a Full Moon Turn Us Into Lovers Or Lunatics?’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 22 February 1990, p. 15.
25. Lipa, В., Sturrock, P. & Rogot, E., ‘Search For Correlation Between Geomagnetic Disturbances and Mortality’, Nature, 1976, 259: 302–304.
26. Tatsanaviavat, P., Chiravatkul, A., Kiungboonkrong.V., Chaisiri, S., Jarerntanyaruk, L., Munger, R. & Saowa-kontha, S., ‘Sudden and Unexplained Deaths in Sleep (Laitai) of Young Men in Rural Northeastern Thailand’, International Journal of Epidemiology, 1992, 21: 904–910.
27. Lown, B., DeSilva, R. & Lenson, R., ‘Roles of Psychologic Stress and Autonomic Nervous System Changes in Provocation of Ventricular Premature Complexes’, American Journal of Cardiology, Afterword, 1978, 41: 979–985.
28. Juan, S., ‘Asian Men Victims of Sudden Death’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 21 January 1993, p. 12.
29. Juan, S., ‘Exhuming the Truth About Zombies Can Be Sickening’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 16 May 1991, p. 15.
30. Juan, S., ‘An Afterlife Mint in Mummification’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 12 September 1991, p. 12.
31. Edell, D., ‘The Dr. Dean Edell Program’, KGO Radio, San Francisco, 20 February 1996.
32. Ray, C., ‘Deadly Bubbles’, New York Times, 9 December 1997, p. B11.
33. Forbes, M., They Went That-a-Way, How the Famous, the Infamous, and the Great Died, New York, Barnes & Noble, 1998, pp. 49–51.
34. Flippin, R. & Mockle, C., ‘Global Remedies’, American Health, March 1992, pp. 56, 57.
35. Krantz, L., 1992. What the Odds are: A-to-Z Odds on Everything You Hoped or Feared Could Happen, Sydney, HarperCollins, 1992.
36. Juan, S., ‘The Daily Gamble and Its Oddities’, Sydney Morning Herald, 10 February 1993, p. 12.
37. Доктор Дейл Огар работает в Школе общественного здоровья Калифорнийского университета в Беркли.
38. Ogar,D., ‘Early Detection of Prostate Cancer’, University of California at Berkeley Wellness Letter, April 1992, pp. 1, 2.
39. Доктор Рауль Субуру – радиолог в больнице Университета Лавал в Квебеке.
40. Irving, J., ‘Prostate Progress», Harvard Health Letter, July 1991, p. 7.
41. Catabna, W., Smith, D., Ratliff, T., Dodds, K., Coplen, D., Yuan, J., Petros, J. & Andriole, G., ‘Measurement of Prostate-Specific Antigen in Serum as a Screening Test for Prostate Cancer’, New England Journal of Medicine, 1991, 324: 17: 1156–1161.
42. Juan, S., ‘The Killer Cancer Men Can’t Afford to Ignore’, Sydney Morning Herald, 18 June 1992, p. 12.
43. Grantham, J., The Next Ten Years, Kansas City, Polycystik Kidney Research Foundation, 1992.
44. Adler, E., ‘КС is Headquarters in Fight against a Low-Profile Killer’, Kansas City Star, 1 September 1992, pp. Al-A12.
45. Juan, S., ‘PKD: Australia’s Little-Known Killer’, Sydney Morning Herald, 17 November 1993, p. 11.
46. Доктор Томас Холмс с коллегами работают в медицинском отделении Вашингтонского университета в Сиэттле.
47. Holmes, Т., Hawkins, N., Bowennan, C., Clarke, E. & Joffe, J., ‘Psychosocial and Physiological Studies of Tubercolosis’, Psychosomatic Medicine, 1957, 19: 134–143.
48. Доктор Джон Джеммот работает в отделении психологии Принстонского университета. Доктор Стивет Лок работает в отделении психиатрии Гарвардского университета.
49. Jemmot, J., Locke, S., ‘Psychosocial Factors, Immunologic Mediation and Human Susceptibility to Infectious Disease: How Much Do We Know?’, Psychological Bulletin, 1984, 95: 78–108.
50. Доктор Энн O’Лири – психолог отделения психологии Университета Рутгерс.
51. O’Leary, A., ‘Stress, Emotion, and Human Immune Function’, Psychological Bulletin, 1990, 108: 3: 363–382.
52. Доктор Сандра Леви работает в Национальном институте рака в Вашингтоне.
53. Levy, S., Herberman, R., Maluish, A., Schlien, В. & Lippmann, M., ‘Prognostic Risk Assessment in Primary Breast Cancer by Behavioral and Immunological Parameters’, Health Psychology, 1985, 4: 99–113.
54. Доктор Лоуренс Темошок работает в отделении психиатрии Калифорнийского университета в Сан-Франциско.
55. Temoshok, L., ‘Personality, Coping Style, Emotion and Cancer’, Cancer Surveys, 1987, 6: 545–567.
56. Bower, B., ‘Questions of Mind over Immunity’, Science News, 6 April 1991, pp. 216, 217.
57. Juan, S., ‘Emotions Matter in Cancer Control’, Sydney Morning Herald, 7 May 1991, p. 15.
58. Доктор Ричард Рей, как и доктор Холмс, работает в медицинском отделении Вашингтонского университета в Сиэттле.
59. Holmes, T. & Rahe, R., ‘The Social Readjustment Raring Scale’, Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 1967, 11: 213–218.
60. Доктор Роберт Орнштейн и Дэвид Собел работают в медицинском отделении Стэнфордского университета.
61. Ornstein, R. & Sobel, D., Healthy Pleasures, Addison-Wesley, 1989, p. 165.
62. Juan, S., ‘Illnesses More Likely When Stress Piles Up’, Sydney Morning Herald, 11 July 1991, p. 12.
63. Доктора Эдвард Рэдфорд и Вилма Хант работают в отделении психологии центра здоровья окружающей среды Кресга в Гарвардской школе общественного здоровья.
64. Radford, E. & Hunt, V., Polonium–210: A Volatile Radioelement in Cigarettes’, Science, 1964, 143: 247–249.
65. Evans, G., ‘Cigarette Smoke = Radiation Hazard’, Paediatrics, 1993, 92:3: 464, 465.
66. Доктор Гэри Эванс работает в отделении педиатрии Постоянного медицинского центра Кайзера в Валлехо, штат Калифорния.
67. Sherertz, S. & Hess, S., ‘Stated Age’, New England Journal of Medicine, 1993, 329: 4: 281, 282.
68. Доктор Элизабет Шерерц и Сюзанн Хесс работают в Школе медицины Боуман Грей в Винстон-Салем, штат Северная Калифорния
69. Доктор Миллисент Хиггинс работает в Национальном институте сердца, легких и крови в Вашингтоне.
70. Higgins, M., Enright, P., Kronmal, R., Schenker, M., Anton-Culver, H. & Lyles, M., ‘Smoking and Lung Function in Elderly Men and Women’, Journal of the American Medical Association, 1993, 269: 21: 2741–2748.
71. Juan, S., ‘Why Smokers Glow in the Dark’, Sydney Morning Herald, 13 October 1993, p. 11.
72. Cartwright, E., Disease and History, New York, Dorset Press, 1972, p. 30.
73. Glazer, Т., ‘Portrait of Courage; Nothing Can Stop the Amazing Half-Girl’, Weekly World News, 22 September 1998, p. 2.
74. Juan, S., Only Human, Sydney, Random House Australia, 1990.
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