Книга: Странности нашего тела
Глава 12
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Глава 12
1. Wood, C., ‘ABO Blood Groups Related to the Selection of Human Hosts by Yellow Fever Vector’, Human Biology, 1976, 48: 337–349.
2. Jorgensen, G., ‘A Contribution to the Hypothesis of a ‘Little More Fitness’ of Blood Group O’, Journal of Human Evolution, 1977, 6: 741–754.
3. Beardmore, J. & Karimi-Booshehri, F., ‘ABO Genes Are Differentially Distributed in Socio-Economic Groups in England’, Nature, 1983, 303: 522–524.
4. Nagorka, J., ‘Genetic Key To Blood Types Found’, The Dallas Morning News, 15 July 1990, p. D14, quoted in Juan, S., ‘A Bloody Mystery Remains Unsolved’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 6 July 1994, p. 11.
5. Juan, S., ‘A Bloody Mystery Remains Unsolved’, op. cit.
6. Ray, C., ‘Hearts and Shells’, New York Times, 18 June 1996, p. B7.
7. Powers, M., ‘Blood-Sucking Leeches Come to the Rescue’, San Jose Mercury News, 17 January 1989, p. 3C.
8. Juan, S., ‘Blood-Suckers and Maggots Become Tiny, Disgusting, Miracle Workers’, Sydney Morning Herald, 15 February 1990, p. 14.
9. Доктор Чарльз Лент является профессором биологии Государственного университета Юты.
10. Chui, H., ‘How Blowfly Larvae Clean Wounds’, San Jose Mercury News, 27 October 1987, p. 3C.
11. ‘Maggots Are Used to Treat a Teenager’s Infected Legs’, Associated Press, 9 August 1989.
12. Доктор Дэйв Уильямс работает в Общественном колледже Энн Эрандел.
13. Доктор Томас Грейнер работает в отделении анатомии и физической антропологии Нью-Йоркского колледжа хиропрактики.
14. Maye, C., ‘Your Heart Beats 36 Million Times a Year’, Weekly World News, 27 February 1996, p. 42.
15. Davis, L., ‘Vital Statistics’, Health, May-June 1998, p. 20.
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