Книга: Странности нашего тела
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1. Sturge-Weber Foundation, ‘Sturge-Weber Syndrome: An Overview for Physicians and Families’ (video), Aurora, Colorado, Sturge-Weber Foundation, 1994.
2. McCutcheon, M., The Compass in Your Nose, Melbourne, Schwartz & Wilkinson, 1989, pp. 64–65.
3. United Press International, ‘Study Finds More Southpaws among Gays and Lesbians’, The San Francisco Chronicle, 26 July 1990, p. B3.
4. Schmeck, H., ‘Q & A’, The New York Times, 7 June 1988, p. B7.
5. Juan, S., ‘Get It Right or Die Trying’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 4 August 1993, p. 14.
6. McMonnies, C., ‘Left-Right Discrimination in Adults’, Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 1990, 73: 155–158.
7. McMonnies, C., «Visual-Spatial Discrimination and Mirror Image Letter Reversals in Reading», Journal of the American Optometric Association, 1992, 63: 698–704.
8. Schmeck, H., ‘Q & A’, The New York Times, 23 February 1988, p. Y19.
9. Browne, M., ‘Handedness’ Seen in Nature, Long Before Hands’, The New York Times, 15 June 1993, pp. B5, B7.
10. Halpern, D. & Coren, S., ‘Longevity and Handedness’, Nature, 1988, 333: 213.
11. Anderson, M., ‘Lateral Preference and Longevity’, Nature, 1989, 341:112, and United Press International, ‘Lefties Live Longer, Newest Study Says’, The San Francisco Chronicle, 14 September 1989, p. B3.
12. Stroh, M., ‘It’s Risky to be a Lefty’, Science News, 23 May 1992, p. 351.
13. Bristow, D., ‘Left in Doubt’, New Scientist, 28 May 1994, p. 65.
14. Coffin, G., ‘Asymmetry of the Human Head: Clinical Observation’, Clinical Pediatrics, 1987, 25: 230–232.
15. Juan, S., ‘Water’ on the Brain: Facts and Myths’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 28 November 1991, p. 17.
16. Juan, S., ‘Sharing Memories May Be as Simple as Sharing a Needle’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 9 February 1994, p. 13.
17. Stock, G., Metaman: The Merging of Humans and Machines into a Global Superorganism, New York, Simon & Schuster, 1993.
18. Moravec, H., Mind Children, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 1988, pp. 22–23.
19. Juan, S., ‘And Yo u Thought Computer Crashes Were a Headache Now…’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 23 March 1994, p. 13.
20. Morgan, A., ‘Not Tonight Dear, I Have a Headache’, Weekly World News, 7 April 1998, p. 37.
21. Turner, K., ‘Incredible Photos of the Girl Who Cheated Death’, Weekly World News, 1 September 1998, pp. 40, 41.
22. Alexander, J., ‘Math Whiz Shot in the Brain with a Nail Gun – and Now He Can’t Do Simple Arithmetic!’, Weekly World News, 8 September 1998, p. 7.
23. Beldotti, S., ‘The Human Brain’, Popular Science, January, 1998, p. 89.
24. Australian Bureau of Statistics, Mental Health and Wellbeing Profile of Adults, Canberra, Australian Government Printing Office, 1998.
25. Jopson, D., ‘Almost One in Five People Suffer Mental Disorder’, Sydney Morning Herald, 13 March 1998, p. 1.
26. Доктор Фред Гейдж – биолог Института биологических исследований Салка в Сан-Диего.
27. Hall, C., ‘First Evidence of New Brain Cells in Human Adults’, San Francisco Chronicle, 30 October 1998, p. A5.
28. Jardin, W., ‘In Experiments, Brain Cells Prove They Have Ability to Regenerate’, Washington Post, 31 October 1998, p. A11.
29. Доктор Маргарет Маккарти – физиолог медицинского факультета Университета Мэриленда в Балтиморе.
30. Hall, C., ‘Sex Hormones Help Shape Brain before Birth and Late in Life’, San Francisco Chronicle, 10 November 1998, p. A5.
31. Juan, S., ‘Brain Brews’, The Good Weekend, Sydney Morning Herald, 6 June 1992, p. 9.
32. Доктор Алан Робертс работает в отделении медицинской психологии в Клинике Скриппса и Исследовательском фонде Сан-Диего.
33. Доктор Сеймур Фишер – психолог Сиракузского центра наук о здоровье Государственного Нью-Йоркского университета.
34. Доктор Говард Филдс работает в медицинском центре Калифорнийского университета в Сан-Франциско.
35. Доктор Крис Кларк работает в отделении психологии Университета Нового Южного Уэльса в Сиднее.
36. Доктор Джоан Данкан и доктор Джеймс Лэрд работают в отделении психологии Мичиганского государственного университета в Восточном Лэнсинге.
37. Blakeslee, S., ‘Placebos Prove So Powerful Even Experts Are Surprised’, New York Times, 13 October 1998, pp. D1, D4.
38. Edell, D., ‘The Dr. Dean Edell Program’, KGO Radio, San Francisco, 27 December 1997.
39. Доктор Р. Бергланд работает в Гарвардской медицинской школе.
40. Bergland, R., The Fabric of Mind, New York, Basic Books, 1989.
41. Brown, S., ‘Ten Weird Things Your Body Does That Are OK’, Sun-Herald, 1 March 1998, p. 19.
42. Stover, D., ‘Quick Thinking’, Popular Science, August, 1998, p. 28.
43. Доктор Тамара Гурвиц работает в Медицинском центре ветеранов в Манчестере, Нью-Хемпшир.
44. Доктор Мюррей Штайн работает в Калифорнийском университете в Сан-Диего.
45. Bower, В., ‘Exploring Traumas Cerebral Side’, Science News, 18 May 1996, p. 315.
46. Barnes, D., ‘Brain Architecture: Beyond Genes’, Science, 1986, 233: 155.
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