Книга: Странности нашего тела
Глава 10
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Глава 10
1. Angert, E., Clements, К. & Pace, N., ‘The Largest Bacterium’, Nature, 1993, 362: 239–241.
2. Juan, S., ‘When Big Just Keeps Getting Bigger’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 22 September 1993, p. 15.
3. Samaras, Т., ‘Trends Toward Tallness’, The Futurist, January/February 1995, p. 29.
4. Juan, S., ‘Brains But No Brawn’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 6 October 1993, p. 17.
5. Goleman, D., ’Q & A’, The New York Times, 7 July 1987, p. Y15.
6. Carey, В., ‘How Are People Able to Predict Bad Weather by Pain in Their Joints?’, Hippocrates, January/February 1989, p. 100.
7. Juan, S., ‘Weather Puts Arthritics Out of Joint’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 6 July 1989, p. 14.
8. Tributsch, H., When the Snakes Awake: Animals and Earthquake Prediction, Cambridge, Massachusetts, M. I. T. Press, 1982.
9. Raskin, D., ‘Earthquakes: Do Animals Know?’, American Health, May 1990, p. 102.
10. Ibid.
11. Wallace, I., Wallechinsky, D. & Wallace, A., ‘Animals That Foretell Quakes’, The San Francisco Chronicle, 23 May 1990, p. B3.
12. Juan, S., ‘Can Our Bodies Warn Us of Earthquakes?’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 17 May 1990, p. 17.
13. Jones, P., ‘Dickens’ Literary Children’, Australian Paediatric Journal, 1972, 8: 233–245.
14. Associated Press, ‘Tiny Tim Had Kidney Disease, Doctor Says’, The San Francisco Chronicle, 15 December 1992, p. 3.
15. Juan, S., ‘What May Have Ailed Tiny Tim’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 20 December 1990, p. 12.
16. Joyce, C. & Stover, E., Witnesses From the Grave. The Stories Bones Tell, Boston, Little, Brown And Company, 1991.
17. Chui, G., ‘Bones Yield Clues to Solve Mysteries of the Ages’, The San Jose Mercury News, 5 August 1991, pp. 1A–1B.
18. Juan, S., ‘Secrets of Identity Easily Unlocked’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 10 October 1991, p. 16.
19. Warne, G., ‘Contemporary Issues in the Use of Growth Hormone’, Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 1990, 26: 122–123.
20. Fackelmann, K., ‘Pygmy Paradox Prompts a Short Answer’, Science News, 8 July 1989, p. 22.
21. Hallett, J., Pygmy Kitahu, New York, Random House, 1973.
22. Reuters, ‘Last Pygmies in Danger’, Australian DR Weekly, 15 May 1992, p. 48, quoted in Juan, S., ‘The Long and Short of Life As a Pygmy’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 2 July 1992, p. 16.
23. Edell, D., ‘Q & A With Dr. Edell, The Edell Health Letter, March 1993, p. 8.
24. Juan, S., ‘Do We Really Have a ‘Funny Bone’?’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 14 April 1993, p. 12.
25. Edell, D., ‘Q & A With Dr. Edell’, The Edell Health Letter, March 1991, p. 8.
26. Ezzell, C., ‘Writer’s Cramp: Literally in Your Head’, Science News, 23 November 1991, p. 333, quoted in Juan, S., ‘Do We Really Have a ‘Funny Bone’?’, op. cit.
27. Rosenthal, E., ’Q. & A’, The New York Times, 29 December 1987, p. Y17.
28. Melzack, R., ‘Phantom Limbs’, Scientific American, April 1992, pp. 120–126, Feldman, S., ‘Phantom Limbs’, American Journal of Psychology, 1940, 53:590–598, and Corliss, W., Biological Anomalies: Humans II, Glen Arm, Maryland: The Sourcebook Project, 1993, pp. 205–207.
29. Edell, D, ‘Q & A With Dr. Edell’, The Edell Health Letter, December/January 1993, p. 8.
30. Riggs, L., ‘Men Shrink an Average of 11/4 Inches’, Bottom Line, 1 February 1995, p. 6.
31. Wales, J. & Dangerfield, P., ‘Night Growth’, New Scientist, 18 February 1995, p. 65.
32. Доктор Джанелл Десмонд является представителем Британской стоматологической ассоциации в Лондоне.
33. Feldman, D., Why Do Clocks Run Clockwise? And Other Imponderables, New York, Harper & Row, 1987, p. 137.
34. Desmond, J., ‘Late Arrivals’, New Scientist, 28 September 1996, p. 73.
35. Ray, C., ‘Gnashing the Teeth’, New York Times, 28 March 1993, p. B6.
36. Xenakis, A., Why Doesn’t My Funny Bone Make Me Laugh? New York, Villard, 1993, pp. 166–168.
37. Доктор Рэндалл Сасман – анатом из Государственного Нью-Йоркского университета в Стони Брук.
38. Ray, C., ‘Finger Length’, New York Times, 29 April 1997, p. B8.
39. Доктор Томас Грейнер работает в отделении анатомии и физической антропологии Нью-Йоркского колледжа хиропрактики.
40. Доктор Марк Халлет является клиническим директором Национального института неврологических расстройств и инсульта США.
41. Kahn, H., ‘Faint Fingers’, New Scientist, 24 January 1998, p. 57.
42. Harris, N., ‘Faint Fingers’, New Scientist, 21 March, 1998, p. 64.
43. Buchan, N., ‘Faint Fingers’, New Scientist, 28 February 1998, p. 64.
44. Gardner-Thorpe, C., ‘Faint Fingers’, New Scientist, 28 February 1998, p. 64.
45. Ray, C., ‘Clumsy Hands’, New York Times, 26 January 1993, p. B7.
46. Доктор Пол Пелличчи работает хирургом-ортопедом в Нью-Йорке.
47. Xenakis, A., Why Doesn’t My Funny Bone Make Me Laugh? New York, Villard Books, 1993, pp. 105, 106.
48. Ray, C., ‘Crossed Legs’, New York Times, 24 March 1992, p. B7.
49. Angier, N., ‘What Ailed Toulouse-Lautrec? Scientists Zero in on a Key Gene’, New York Times, 6 June 1995, p. B6.
50. Доктор Карл Джизольфи является физиологом лечебной гимнастики в Университете Айовы.
51. Ray, C., ‘Legs and Workouts’, New York Times, 11 September 1990, p. B6.
52. Boyd, L., ‘Marriage All Depends on Your Bedfellow’, San Francisco Chronicle, 1 June 1998, p. 10.
53. Brown, S., ’ Ten Weird Things Your Body Does That Are OK’, Sun-Herald (Sydney), 1 March 1998, p. 19.
54. ‘Why do Limbs ‘Fall Asleep’? Should I Worry if My Legs Fall Asleep Often?’, University of California at Berkeley Wellness Letter, University of California, School of Public Health, October 1997, p. 7.
55. Edell, D., ‘The Dr. Dean Edell Program’, KGO Radio, San Francisco, 1 September 1997.
56. Goodman, A.,’A Crack In Your Armour’, Men’s Health, January – February 1996, p. 104.
57. Smith, S., ‘Is Cracking my Knuckles Harmful?’, Health, January – February 1998, p. 128.
58. Podmore, W., ‘What’s the Crack?’, New Scientist, 6 June 1998, p. 73.
59. Lamont, Т., ‘What’s the Crack?’, New Scientist, 6 June 1998, p. 73.
60. Johnson, I., Why Can’t You Tickle Yourself? And Other Bodily Curiosities, New York, Warner Books, 1993, pp. 45, 46.
61. Доктор Том Уилсон работает на факультете молекулярной онкологии медицинского отделения Вашингтонского университета в Сиэтле.
62. Доктор Дэвид Шнайдер работает на факультете анатомии медицинского отделения Вашингтонского университета в Сиэтле.
63. Maye, C., ‘Your Heart Beats 36 Million Times a Year’, Weekly World News, 27 February 1996, p. 42.
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