Книга: Всеобщая история чувств
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Attali Jacques, trans. Brian Massumi. Noise: The Political Economy of Music. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1985.
Bach Johann Sebastian. Complete Organ Works. With a preface by Dr. Albert Schweitzer and Charles-Marie Widor. N. Y.: G. Schirmer, Inc., 1912.
Broad William J. Complex Whistles Found to Play Key Roles in Inca and Maya Life// The New York Times, March 29, 1988.
Chatwin Bruce. The Songlines. N. Y.: The Viking Press, 1987.
Conniff Richard. When the Music in Our Parlors Brought Death to Darkest Africa // Audubon. July 1987.
Cooke Deryck. The Language of Music. L.: Oxford University Press, 1987.
Crosette Barbara. A Thai Monk Unlocks Song in the Earth // The New York Times, December 30, 1987.
Grant Brian. The Silent Ear: Deafness in Literature. N. Y.: Faber and Faber, 1988.
Mach Elyse, ed. Great Pianists Speak for Themselves. 2 vols. N. Y.: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1988.
Rothman Tony and Amy Mereson. Fiddling with the Future // Discover, September 1987.
Schaeffer R. Murray. The Composer in the Classroom. Toronto: Clark and Cruickshank, 1965.
Schonberg Harold. Facing the Music. N. Y.: Summit Books, 1985.
School in the Exploratorium Idea Sheets // San Francisco: The Exploratorium Bookstore, n.d.
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- Крупнейшие астроблемы планеты
- Можжевельник даурский (Juniperus daurica)
- Может ли отбор породить сложные структуры?
- Тематическая подборка издательства «КНОРУС»
- Юпитер-предсказатель
- 11.1.2. Основные методы исследования
- Единство жизни
- О зоркости радиотелескопов
- Генетика как буржуазная наука
- Юпитер и его спутники