Книга: Новейшие археозоологические исследования в России: К столетию со дня рождения В.И. Цалкина
Quantitative analysis of animal bones from the cultural layers of ancient settlements Summary
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Quantitative analysis of animal bones from the cultural layers of ancient settlements
The comparision of two indexes of species abundance — the number of identified specimens (NISP) and the minimum number of individuals (MNI) is carried out on the base of data from cultural layers of ancient settlements in Chukotka and central European part of Russia. It is confirmed that the NISP is more suitable index in case of long-term formation of deposits. It is proposed to make a next step in quantitatve analysis of bone assemblages and to turn from the evaluation of the hunting bag to the evaluation of abundance of hunted animal population. It is suggested to use the index CPUE (catch per unit effort) for that.
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