Книга: Неандертальцы

Окаменелости и орудия

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Окаменелости и орудия

Bordaz J., Tools of the Old and New Stone Age, The Natural History Press, 1970.

Bordes F" The Old Stone Age, McGraw-Hill, 1968.

Boule M., Vallois H. V., Fossil Men, Dryden Press, 1957.

Brace C. L., Nelson H., Korn N., Atlas of Fossil Man, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971.

Brose D. S., Wolpoff M. H., Early Upper Paleolithic Man and Late Middle Paleolithic Tools, American Anthropologist, Vol. 73, October, 1971.

Clark D. J., The Prehistory of Afrika, Praeger, 1970.

Flint R. F., Glacial and Quaternary Geology, John Wiley & Sons, 1971.

LeaKey L. S. В., Goodall V. M., Unveiling Man's Origins, Schenkman, 1969.

Oakley К., Frameworks for Dating Fossil Man, Aldine, 1964.

Rycraft W. P., Rhodesian Man and Associated Remains, British Museum (Natural History), 1928.

West R. G., Pleistocene Geology and Biology, John Wiley & Sons, 1968.

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