Книга: Биохимия старения


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1. Comfort A. Ageing: The Biology of Senescence, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, San Francisco (1964).

2. Donabedian A., Axelford S. J., Swearingen C., Jameson J. In: Medical Care Chart Book (5th edn.), Ann. Arbor., Michigan: Bureau of Public Health Economics, University of Michigan, School of Public Health (1972).

3. Golenpaul D. Information Please Almanac, Atlas and Yearbook, Dan Golenpaul Associates, New York (1973).

4. Leaf A. Sci. Amer., 229, 45–52 (1973).

5. Muiesan G., Sorbini C. A., Grassi V. Bull. Physio-Pathol. Respir., 7, 973-1007 (1971).

6. Shock N. W. In: Program and Papers of the Conference on Gerontology, pp. 123–140, Duke University (1959).

Дополнительная литература

Ниже приводится список книг и журналов, содержащих материалы о старении. Некоторые исследователи публикуют работы по старению в биохимических и физиологических журналах общего профиля.


Behnke J. A. (Ed.). The Biology of Aging, Plenum Press, New York (1978).

Birren J. E. (Ed.). Handbook of Aging and the Individual, University of Chacago Press, Chicago (1959).

Comfort A. Ageing: The Biology of Senescence, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, San Francisco (1964). [Имеется перевод: Комфорт А. Биология старения. — М.: "Мир", 1967.]

Cristofalo V. J., Roberts J., Adelman R. C. (Eds.) Explorations in Aging, Plenum Press, New York and London (1974).

Cutler R. C. (Ed.). In: Cellular Aging, Part I and II, Interdisc. Topics in Gerontology, Vols 9 and 10, S. Karger, Basel (1976).

Emerson G. M. (Ed.). Aging, Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, Stroudsburg (1977).

Finch C. E., Hayflick L. In: Handbook of the Biology of Aging, Van Nostrand, New York (1977).

Gershon S., Terry R. (Eds.) Neurobiology of Aging, Raven Press, New York (1976).

Gutman E., Hanzlikova V. Age Changes in the Neuromuscular System, Scientechnica, Bristol (1972).

Holeckova E., Cristofalo V. J. (Eds.). Aging in Cell and Tissue Culture, Plenum Press, New York (1970).

Kohn R. R. Principles of Mammalian Ageing, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs (1971).

Lamb M. J. Biology of Ageing, John Wiley and Sons, New York (1977). [Имеется перевод: Лэмб М. Биология старения. — М.: "Мир", 1980.]

Lints F. A. In: Genetics of Ageing, Interdisc. Topics in Gerontology, Vol. 14, S. Karger, Basel (1978).

Rockstein M. (Ed.). Theoretical Aspects of Ageing, Academic Press, New York and London (1974).

Schneider E. L. (Ed.). Genetics of Aging, Plenum Press, New York (1978). Shock N. W. Biological Aspects of Aging, Columbia University Press, New York (1962).

Strehler B. L. In: Time, Cells and Aging (2nd Edn.), Academic Press, New York and London (1977).

Timiras P. S. In: Developmental Physiology and Aging, MacMillan, New York (1972).

Walford R. L. In: The Immunological Theory of Aging, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore (1969).


Advances in Gerontological Research, Vol. 1–4 (B. L. Strehler, Ed.), Academic Press, New York and London.

Experimental Gerontology, Pergamon Press, Oxford.

Geriatrics, Lancet Publications, New York.

Gerontology, S. Karger, Basel, Switzerland.

Journal of Gerontology, Gerontological Society of America, Washington, D. C.

Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, Elsevier-Sequoia, The Netherlands.

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