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Глава 6. Как преодолеть пропасть

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Глава 6. Как преодолеть пропасть

1 Sacks, О. Seeing Voices. London, Picador, 1991, p. 40.

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21 Мамре, В., Friederici, A. D., Christophe, A., and A. Wermke Newborns' cry melody is shaped by their native language II Current Biology 19: 23 (2009), pp. 1994-1997.

22 Ojemann, G.A. Subcortical language I In: Whitaker, H. A. (ED.) Studies in Neurolinguistics, vol. 1. New York Academic Press, 1976; Donnan, G. A., ET al. Identification of brain region for coordinating speech articulation I/ The Lancet 349: 9047 (1997), p. 221; BINDER, J. R., ET AL. Human brain areas identified by fMRI II Journal of Neuroscience 17:1 (1997). PP- 353-362.

23 Bishop, D. V M. Listening out for subtle deficits I/ Nature 387:6629 (1997), p. 129.

24 Beaumont, J. G. (ed.) The Blackwell Dictionary of Neuropsychology. Oxford, Blackwell, 1997-

25 Parkin, A.J. Explorations in Cognitive Neuropsychology. Oxford, Blackwell, 1996, p. 133.

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30 Lambon Ralph, M. A., Sage, К. Е., and A. W. El-Ll s Word meaning blindness: a new form of acquired dyslexia // Cognitive Neurology 13: 5 (1996), pp. 617-639.

31 Paulf.SU, E., ЕТ al. Is development dyslexia a disconnection syndrome? I/ Brain 119 (1996), pp. 143-147.

32 Donaldson, M. Human Minds: An Exploration. Har-mondsworth, Penguin Books, 1992.

33 RymF.r, R. Genie: A Scientific Tragedy. Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1993.

34 Sacks, O. Seeing Voices. London, Picador, 1991.

3$. KlM, K. H. S., ET AL. Distinct cortical areas associated with native and second languages II Nature 388: 6538 (1997), p. 171.

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