Книга: Наш мозг и просветление. Нейробиология самопознания и совершенства


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Глава 1. Просветление «трудного ребенка»

1 В английском оригинале название главы приводится по изданию: R.Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy: With Selections from the Objections and Replies, trans. Michael Moriarty (Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2008). В переводе – по изданию: Декарт, Рене. Сочинения в двух томах. Том 2. Пер. с лат. и фр. С.Я.Шейнман-Топштейн и др. – М.: Мысль, 1994.

Глава 2. Что такое Просветление?

1 Автор английской интерпретации – Марк Роберт Уолдман, © 2014.

2 «The Mindfulness Revolution», Time, February 2014. См. также: Beth Gardiner. «Business Skills and Buddhist Mindfulness», The Wall Street Journal, April 3, 2014.

3 S.Hoeller, Gnosticism: New Light on the Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing. – Wheaton, IL: Quest Books, 2002.

4 Online Encyclopedia Britannica, 2014. – http: //www.britannica.com/topic/Manichaeism.

5 R.Porter, The Enlightenment (2nd ed.). – New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2001.

6 D.Outram, The Enlightenment: New Approaches to European History, Vol. 3. – Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2013.

7 W.James, The Varieties of Religious Experience, Lecture 7 (London: Longmans Green and Co., 1902). Цитаты из «Исповеди» Л.Н.Толстого приводятся по: Толстой Л.Н. Собр. соч.: В 22 т. – М.: Художественная литература, 1983. – Т. 16. Избранные публицистические статьи. – С. 106–165.

8 Online  Encyclopedia  Britannica:  http: //www.britannica.com/EBchecked/ topic/ 598700/Leo-Tolstoy/13426/Conversion-and-religiousbeliefs.

9 Отсылка к 1 Ин 4: 7. Авторы оригинала обращались к следующему источнику: L.Tolstoy, My Confession, My Religion: The Gospel in Brief (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1899), 63. В русском переводе текст приводится по изданию: Толстой Л.Н. Собр. соч.: В 22 т. – М.: Художественная литература, 1983. – Т. 16. Избранные публицистические статьи. – С. 106–165.

10 R.Bucke, Cosmic Consciousness (Philadelphia: Innes&Sons, 1901). (Примечание автора: Бекк писал о своих переживаниях в третьем лице. Я взял на себя право привести текст от первого лица, чтобы улучшить читабельность. – Марк Уолдман).

Глава 3. На что похоже Просветление?

1 W.James, The Varieties of Religious Experience (London: Longmans Green and Co., 1902), 307.

Глава 4. Просветление без Бога

1 «Barna Study of Religious Change Since 1991 Shows Significant Changes by Faith Group,» August 4, 2011. https: // www.barna.org/barna-update/faith-spirituality/514-barna-study-of-religious-change-since-1991-shows-significant-changes-by-faith-group#.U9U47fldV8E; см. также: Y. Anwar, «Americans and Religion Increasingly Parting Ways,» UC Berkeley News Center, March 12, 2013.

2 Расчеты некоммерческой организации «Pew Research Center» основаны на исследовании, проведенном в августе 2012 года Бюро переписи населения США, согласно которому в США проживает 234787000 взрослых граждан. http: // www.pewforum.org/Unaffiliated/nones-on-the-rise.aspx% 23growth.

3 «Three Spiritual Journeys of the Milliennials,» The Barna Group, May 9, 2013. http: // www.barna.org/teens-next-gen-articles/621-three-spiritual-journeys-of-millennials.

4 «Spirituality in Higher Education: A National Study of College Students,» Search for Meaning and Purpose,» 2003–2010, University of California, Los Angeles. http: // spirituality.ucla.edu.

5 Выступление Эйнштейна перед Немецкой лигой прав человека, Берлин (осень 1932 года). Текст английского оригинала приводится по: Einstein: A Life in Science. Michael White and John Gribbin (New York: Free Press, 2005).

6 Текст английского оригинала приводится по Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist (1949), ed. Paul A.Schilpp. Репринт: A Stubbornly Persistent Illusion: The Essential Scientific Works of Albert Einstein, ed. Stephen Hawking (Philadelphia: Running Press, 2009).

7 Parrott A.C. Human psychobiology of MDMA or «Ecstasy»: an overview of 25 years of empirical research. Hum Psychopharmacol. 2013; 28(4): 289–307.

8 Smith D.E., Raswyck G.E., Davidson L.D. From Hofmann to the Haight Ashbury, and into the future: the past and potential of lysergic acid diethlyamide. J Psychoactive Drugs. 2014; 46(1): 3–10; Krebs T.S., Johansen P.?. Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) for alcoholism: metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials. J Psychopharmacol 2012; 26(7): 994–1002; см. также: Barbosa P.C., Mizumoto S., Bogenschutz M.P., Strassman R.J. Health status of ayahuasca users. Drug Test Anal. 2012; 4(7–8): 601–9.

9 Griffiths R.R., Richards W.A., McCann U., Jesse R. Psilocybin can occasion mystical type experiences having substantial and sustained personal meaning and spiritual significance. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2006; 187 (3): 268–283.

10 Griffiths R., Richards W., Johnson M., McCann U., Jesse R. Mystical type experiences occasioned by psilocybin mediate the attribution of personal meaning and spiritual significance 14 months later. J Psychopharmacol. 2008; 22(6): 621–632.

11 Cummins C., Lyke J. Peak experiences of psilocybin users and non-users. J Psychoactive Drugs. 2013; 45(2): 189–194.

12 van Amsterdam J., Opperhuizen A., van den Brink W. Harm potential of magic mushroom use: a review. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2011; 59(3): 423–429; см. также: Hermle L., Kovar K.A., Hewer W., Ruchsow M. Hallucinogen-induced psychological disorders. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr. 2008; 76(6): 334–342.

Глава 5. Спектр осознания

1 Zhao Q., Zhou Z., Xu H., Chen S., Xu F., Fan W., Han L. Dynamic neural network of insight: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study on solving Chinese «chengyu» riddles. PLoS One. 2013; 8(3): e59351.

2 Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, «Global Christianity: A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World’s Christian Population,» December 19, 2011.

3 Qiu J., Li H., Jou J., Liu J., Luo Y., Feng T., Wu Z., Zhang Q. Neural correlates of the «Aha» experiences: evidence from an fMRI study of insight problem solving. Cortex. 2010; 46(3): 397–403.

4 Newberg A., Alavi A., Baime M., Pourdehnad M., Santanna J., d’Aquili E. The measurement of regional cerebral blood flow during the complex cognitive task of meditation: a preliminary SPECT study. Psychiatry Res. 2001; 106(2): 113–122.

5 Антонио Дамасио в книге Self Comes to Mind (New York: Pantheon, 2010) говорит об этом качестве – обладании чувством собственного «я». Сперва мы пробуждаемся, и изначальное осознание порождает сознательное принятие решений – или то, что Дамасио называет «ум». Таким образом, осознание плюс ум плюс «я» равно сознанию. Эта модель в значительной мере строится на нейробиологических исследованиях Яка Панксеппа.

6 Wallis L.J., Range F., M?ller C.A., Serisier S., Huber L., Zs? V. Lifespan development of attentiveness in domestic dogs: drawing parallels with humans. Front Psychol. 2014; 5: 71.

7 Shettleworth S.J. Do animals have insight, and what is insight anyway? Can J Exp Psychol. 2012; 66(4): 217–226.

8 Drayton L.A., Santos L.R. A decade of theory of mind research on Cayo Santiago: Insights into rhesus macaque social cognition. Am J Primatol. 2014; doi: 10.1002/ ajp.22362.

9 Nomura T., Murakami Y., Gotoh H., Ono K. Reconstruction of ancestral brains: Exploring the evolutionary process of encephalization in amniotes. Neurosci Res. 2014. pii: S0168-0102(14)00041-8.doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2014.03.004. Frasnelli E. Brain and behavioral lateralization in invertebrates. Front Psychol. 2013; 4: 939. Aru J, Bachmann T, Singer W., Melloni L. Distilling the neural correlates of consciousness. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2012; 36(2): 737–746.

10 Wei D., Yang J., Li W., Wang K., Zhang Q., Qiu J. Increased resting functional connectivity of the medial prefrontal cortex in creativity by means of cognitive stimulation. Cortex. 2014; 51: 92–102.

11 Silberstein R.B., Nield G.E. Measuring emotion in advertising research: prefrontal brain activity. IEEE Pulse. 2012 May – Jun; 3(3): 24–27; см. также: Ding X., Tang Y.Y., Tang R., Posner M.I. Improving creativity performance by short-term meditation. Behav Brain Funct. 2014; 10: 9.

12 Ding X., Tang Y.Y., Cao C., Deng Y., Wang Y., Xin X., Posner M.I. Short-term meditation modulates brain activity of insight evoked with solution cue. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2014; 10(1): 43–9.

13 Bhasin M.K., Dusek J.A., Chang B.H., Joseph M.G., Denninger J.W., Fricchione G.L., Benson H., Libermann T.A. Relaxation response induces temporal transcriptome changes in energy metabolism, insulin secretion and inflammatory pathways. PLoS One. 2013 May 1; 8(5): e62817.

14 Qiu J., Li H., Jou J., Liu J., Luo Y., Feng T., Wu Z., Zhang Q. Neural correlates of the «Aha» experiences: evidence from an fMRI study of insight problem solving. Cortex. 2010; 46(3): 397–403.

15 Zhao Q., Li Y., Shang X., Zhou Z., Han L. Uniformity and nonuniformity of neural activities correlated to different insight problem solving. Neuroscience. 2014; 270: 203–211. Aziz-Zadeh L., Kaplan J.T., Iacoboni M. «Aha!»: The neural correlates of verbal insight solutions. Hum Brain Mapp. 2009; 30(3): 908–16.

16 Innes K.E., Selfe T.K. Meditation as a therapeutic intervention for adults at risk for Alzheimer’s disease – potential benefits and underlying mechanisms. Front Psychiatry. 2014; 5: 40; and Marciniak R., Sheardova K., Cerm?kov? P., Hude?ek D., Sumec R., Hort J. Effect of meditation on cognitive functions in context of aging and neurodegenerative diseases. Front Behav Neurosci. 2014; 8: 17.

17 Kounios J., Frymiare J.L., Bowden E.M., Fleck J.I., Subramaniam K., Parrish T.B., Jung-Beeman M. The prepared mind: neural activity prior to problem presentation predicts subsequent solution by sudden insight. Psychol Sci. 2006; 17(10): 882–890.

Глава 6. Связь со сверхъестественным

1 Avenary H. The Hasidic Nigun. Ethos and Melos of a folk liturgy. J International Folk Music Council. 1964(16): 60–63.

2 Newberg A.B., Wintering N.A., Morgan D., Waldman M.R. The measurement of regional cerebral blood flow during glossolalia: a preliminary SPECT study. Psychiatry Res: Neuroimaging. 2006; 148(1): 67–71.

3 R.Forbes, «Slavery and the Evangelical Enlightenment,» in Religion and the Antebellum Debate over Slavery, eds. McKivigan and Snay (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1998).

4 Qiu J., Li H., Jou J., Liu J., Luo Y., Feng T., Wu Z., Zhang Q. Neural correlates of the «Aha» experiences: evidence from an fMRI study of insight problem solving. Cortex. 2010; 46(3): 397–403.

5 Beischel J., Schwartz G.E. Anomalous information reception by research mediums demonstrated using a novel triple-blind protocol. Explore (NY). 2007; 3(1): 23–27.

6 Moreira-Almeida A., Neto F.L., Carde?a E. Comparison of Brazilian spiritist mediumship and dissociative identity disorder. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2008; 196(5): 420–424; см. также: Moreira-Almeida A., Lotufo Neto F., Greyson B. Dissociative and psychotic experiences in Brazilian spiritist mediums. Psychother Psychosom. 2007; 76(1): 57–58.

7 Shenefelt P.D. Ideomotor signaling: from divining spiritual messages to discerning subconscious answers during hypnosis and hypnoanalysis, a historical perspective. Am J Clin Hypn. 2011; 53(3): 157–167.

8 Faymonville M.E., Boly M., Laureys S. Functional neuroanatomy of the hypnotic state. J Physiol Paris. 2006; 99(4–6): 463–469.

9 Peres J.F., Moreira-Almeida A., Caixeta L., Leao F., Newberg A. Neuroimaging during trance state: a contribution to the study of dissociation. PLoS One. 2012; 7(11): e49360.

10 Liu S., Chow H.M., Xu Y., Erkkinen M.G., Swett K.E., Eagle M.W., Rizik-Baer D.A., Braun A.R. Neural correlates of lyrical improvisation: an FMRI study of freestyle rap. Sci Rep. 2012; 2: 834.

11 Abuhamdeh S., Csikszentmihalyi M. The importance of challenge for the enjoyment of intrinsically motivated, goal-directed activities. Pers Soc Psychol Bull. 2012; 38(3): 317–330.

12 Kirchner J.M. Incorporating flow into practice and performance. Work. 2011; 40(3): 289–296; см. также: Seligman M.E., Csikszentmihalyi M. Positive psychology. An introduction. Am Psychol. 2000; 55(1): 5–14.

13 Furnes B., Dysvik E. A systematic writing program as a tool in the grief process: Part 1. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2010; 4: 425–431.

14 Lepore S.J. Expressive writing moderates the relation between intrusive thoughts and depressive symptoms. J Pers Soc Psychol. 1997; 73(5): 1030–1037.

15 Lotze M., Erhard K., Neumann N., Eickhoff S.B., Langner R. Neural correlates of verbal creativity: differences in resting-state functional connectivity associated with expertise in creative writing. Front Hum Neurosci. 2014; 8: 516.

Глава 7. Изменение сознания у других людей

1 Wu Jiang, Enlightenment in Dispute (Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2008).

2 Harris W.S., Gowda M., Kolb J.W., Strychacz C.P., Vacek J.L., Jones P.G., Forker A., O’Keefe J.H., McCallister B.D. A randomized, controlled trial of the effects of remote, intercessory prayer on outcomes in patients admitted to the coronary care unit. Arch Intern Med. 1999; 159(19): 2273–2278; см. также: Byrd R.C. Positive therapeutic effects of intercessory prayer in a coronary care unit population. South Med J. 1988; 81(7): 826–829.

3 Matthews D.A., Marlowe S.M., MacNutt F.S. Effects of intercessory prayer on patients with rheumatoid arthritis. South Med J. 2000; 93(12): 1177–1186.

4 Aviles J.M., Whelan S.E., Hernke D.A., Williams B.A., Kenny K.E., O’Fallon W.M., Kopecky S.L. Intercessory prayer and cardiovascular disease progression in a coronary care unit population: a randomized controlled trial. Mayo Clin Proc. 2001; 76(12): 1192–1198; см. также: Matthews W.J., Conti J.M., Sireci S.G. The effects of intercessory prayer, positive visualization, and expectancy on the well-being of kidney dialysis patients. Altern Ther Health Med. 2001; 7(5): 42–52.

5 Walker S.R., Tonigan J.S., Miller W.R., Corner S., Kahlich L. Intercessory prayer in the treatment of alcohol abuse and dependence: a pilot investigation. Altern Ther Health Med. 1997; 3(6): 79–86.

6 Mathai J., Bourne A. Pilot study investigating the effect of intercessory prayer in the treatment of child psychiatric disorders. Australas Psychiatry. 2004; 12(4): 386–389.

7 Astin J.A., Stone J., Abrams D.I., Moore D.H., Couey P., Buscemi R., Targ E. The efficacy of distant healing for human immunodeficiency virus – results of a randomized trial. Altern Ther Health Med. 2006; 12(6): 36–41.

8 Schlitz M., Hopf H.W., Eskenazi L., Vieten C., Radin D. Distant healing of surgical wounds: an exploratory study. Explore (NY). 2012; 8(4): 223–230.

9 da Rosa M.I., Silva F.R., Silva B.R., Costa L.C., Bergamo A.M., Silva N.C., Medeiros L.R., Battisti I.D., Azevedo R. A randomized clinical trial on the effects of remote intercessory prayer in the adverse outcomes of pregnancies. Cien Saude Colet. 2013; 18(8): 2379–2384.

10 Nelson R., Bancel P. Effects of mass consciousness: changes in random data during global events. Explore (NY). 2011; 7(6): 373–383.

11 Benson H., Dusek J.A., Sherwood J.B., Lam P., Bethea C.F., Carpenter W., Levitsky S., Hill P.C., Clem D.W. Jr, Jain M.K., Drumel D., Kopecky S.L., Mueller P.S., Marek D., Rollins S., Hibberd P.L. Study of the Therapeutic Effects of Intercessory Prayer (STEP) in cardiac bypass patients: a multicenter randomized trial of uncertainty and certainty of receiving intercessory prayer. Am Heart J. 2006; 151(4): 934–942.

12 Palmer R.F., Katerndahl D., Morgan-Kidd J. A randomized trial of the effects of remote intercessory prayer: interactions with personal beliefs on problem-specific outcomes and functional status. J Altern Complement Med. 2004; 10(3): 438–448.

13 Hefti R., Koenig H.G. Prayers for patients with internal and cardiological diseases – an applicable therapeutic method? MMW Fortschr Med. 2007; 149(51–52): 31–34.

14 Moreira-Almeida A., Koss-Chioino J.D. Recognition and treatment of psychotic symptoms: spiritists compared to mental health professionals in Puerto Rico and Brazil. Psychiatry. 2009; 72(3): 268–283.

15 Ho?rik E.M., C?celo?lu A.E., Erpolat S. Therapeutic effects of Islamic intercessory prayer on warts. J Relig Health. 2014; 10.1007/s10943-014-9837.

16 Schjoedt U., St?dkilde-J?rgensen H., Geertz A.W., Lund T.E., Roepstorff A. The power of charisma – perceived charisma inhibits the frontal executive network of believers in intercessory prayer. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2011; 6(1): 119–127.

17 Rouder J.N., Morey R.D., Province J.M. A Bayes factor metaanalysis of recent extrasensory perception experiments: comment on Storm, Tressoldi, and Di Risio (2010). Psychol Bull. 2013; 139(1): 241–247.

18 Mossbridge J.A., Tressoldi P., Utts J., Ives J.A., Radin D., Jonas W.B. Predicting the unpredictable: critical analysis and practical implications of predictive anticipatory activity. Front Hum Neurosci. 2014; 8: 146.

19 Kuo W.J., Sj?str?m T., Chen Y.P., Wang Y.H., Huang C.Y. Intuition and deliberation: two systems for strategizing in the brain. Science. 2009 Apr 24; 324(5926): 519–522.

20 Allman J.M., Watson K.K., Tetreault N.A., Hakeem A.Y. Intuition and autism: a possible role for Von Economo neurons. Trends Cogn Sci. 2005; 9(8): 367–373.

21 Hsu M., Anen C., Quartz S.R. The right and the good: distributive justice and neural encoding of equity and efficiency. Science. 2008; 320(5879): 1092–1095.

22 Ralph Oesper, The Human Side of Scientists (Cincinnati, OH: University Publications, 1975).

23 B?a?ek M., Ka?mierczak M., Besta T. Sense of purpose in life and escape from self as the predictors of quality of life in clinical samples. J Relig Health. 2015; 54(2): 517–523.

24 Mariano J.M., Going J. Youth purpose and positive youth development. Adv Child Dev Behav. 2011; 41: 39–68.

25 Keng S.L., Smoski M.J., Robins C.J. Effects of mindfulness on psychological health: a review of empirical studies. Clin Psychol Rev. 2011; 31(6): 1041–1056.

26 Potter P.J. Energy therapies in advanced practice oncology: an evidence-informed practice approach. J Adv Pract Oncol. 2013; 4(3): 139–151.

Глава 8. Открой свое сердце

1 Sauvage C., Jissendi P., Seignan S., Manto M., Habas C. Brain areas involved in the control of speed during a motor sequence of the foot: real movement versus mental imagery. J Neuroradiol. 2013; 40(4): 267–280; Thaut M.H., Demartin M., Sanes J.N. Brain networks for integrative rhythm formation. PLoS One. 2008; 3(5): e2312; см. также: Esposti R., Cavallari P., Baldissera F. Feedback control of the limbs position during voluntary rhythmic oscillation. Biol Cybern. 2007; 97(2): 123–136.

2 Online Encyclopedia Britannica: http: //www.britannica.com/EBchecked/ topic/ 123937/Codex-Argenteus. (Авторы имеют в виду английское слово «God». – Прим. пер.).

3 M.Smith, The Origins of Biblical Monotheism: Israel’s Polytheistic Background and the Ugaritic Texts (Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2001).

4 W.A.Meyer, B.Hyde, F.Muqaddam, and S.Kahn, Physicians of the Heart: A Sufi View of the 99 Names of Allah (Sufi Ruhaniat International, 2011).

5 Gerard McCool, «The Christian Wisdom Tradition and Enlightenment Reason,» in Examining the Catholic Intellectual Tradition, eds. Anthony Cernera and Oliver Morgan (Fairfield, CT: Sacred Heart University Press, 2000).

6 Muhammad Hozien and Valerie Turner, eds., Al-Ghazali: The Marvels of the Heart, Book 21 (Louisville, KY: Fons Vitae, 2010).

7 W.M.Watt, The Faith and Practice of Al-Ghazali (London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1953).

8 Weng H.Y., Fox A.S., Shackman A.J., Stodola D.E., Caldwell J.Z., Olson M.C., Rogers G.M., Davidson R.J. Compassion training alters altruism and neural responses to suffering. Psychol Sci. 2013; 24(7): 1171–1180.

9 Light S.N., Heller A.S., Johnstone T., Kolden G.G., Peterson M.J., Kalin N.H., Davidson R.J. Reduced right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex activity while inhibiting positive affect is associated with improvement in hedonic capacity after 8 weeks of antidepressant treatment in major depressive disorder. Biol Psychiatry. 2011; 70(10): 962–968.

10 Doufesh H., Faisal T., Lim K.S., Ibrahim F. EEG spectral analysis on Muslim prayers. Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. 2012; 37(1): 11–18.

11 Alabdulwahab S.S., Kachanathu S.J., Oluseye K. Physical activity associated with prayer regimes improves standing dynamic balance of healthy people. J Phys Ther Sci. 2013; 25(12): 1565–1568.

12 Hosseini M., Salehi A., Fallahi Khoshknab M., Rokofian A., Davidson P.M. The effect of a preoperative spiritual/religious intervention on anxiety in Shia Muslim patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery: a randomized controlled trial. J Holist Nurs. 2013; 31(3): 164–172.

13 Moss A.S., Wintering N., Roggenkamp H., Khalsa D.S., Waldman M.R., Monti D., Newberg A.B. Effects of an 8-week meditation program on mood and anxiety in patients with memory loss. J Altern Complement Med. 2012; 18(1): 48–53.

14 Hansen G. Schizophrenia or spiritual crisis? On «raising the kundalini» and its diagnostic classification. Ugeskr Laeger. 1995; 157(31): 4360–4362.

15 Wise R.A. Dopamine and reward: the anhedonia hypothesis 30 years on. Neurotox Res. 2008; 14(2–3): 169–183.

16 von Kirchenheim C., Persinger M.A. Time distortion – a comparison of hypnotic induction and progressive relaxation procedures: a brief communication. Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 1991; 39(2): 63–66.

17 Ulrich M., Keller J., Hoenig K., Waller C., Gr?n G. Neural correlates of experimentally induced flow experiences. Neuroimage. 2014; 86: 194–202.

18 Kounios J., Beeman M. The cognitive neuroscience of insight. Annu Rev Psychol. 2014; 65: 71–93.

19 Yoder K.J., Decety J. The Good, the bad, and the just: justice sensitivity predicts neural response during moral evaluation of actions performed by others. J Neurosci. 2014; 34(12): 4161–4156.

20 Вольная интерпретация по мотивам поэм Хафиза Ширази. Автор английской версии – Марк Роберт Уолдман. © 2010.

Глава 9. Вера в преображение

1 Heiphetz L., Spelke E.S., Harris P.L., Banaji M.R. The development of reasoning about beliefs: Fact, preference, and ideology. J Exp Soc Psychol. 2013; 49(3): 559–565.

2 Epley N., Converse B.A., Delbosc A., Monteleone G.A., Cacioppo J.T. Believers’ estimates of God’s beliefs are more egocentric than estimates of other people’s beliefs. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2009; 106(51): 21533–21538.

3 Ogawa A., Yamazaki Y., Ueno K., Cheng K., Iriki A. Neural correlates of species-typical illogical cognitive bias in human inference. J Cogn Neurosci. 2010; 22(9): 2120–2130.

4 Galante J., Galante I., Bekkers M.J., Gallacher J. Effect of kindness-based meditation on health and well-being: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2014; 82(6): 1101–1114.

5 Garrison K.A., Scheinost D., Constable R.T., Brewer J.A. BOLD signal and functional connectivity associated with loving kindness meditation. Brain Behav. 2014; 4(3): 337–347; см. также: Lutz A., Brefczynski-Lewis J., Johnstone T., Davidson R.J. Regulation of the neural circuitry of emotion by compassion meditation: effects of meditative expertise. PLoS One. 2008; 3(3): e1897.

6 Kang Y., Gray J.R., Dovidio J.F. The nondiscriminating heart: loving-kindness meditation training decreases implicit intergroup bias. J Exp Psychol Gen. 2014; 143(3): 1306–1313.

7 Leung M.K., Chan C.C., Yin J., Lee C.F., So K.F., Lee T.M. Increased gray matter volume in the right angular and posterior parahippocampal gyri in loving-kindness meditators. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2013; 8(1): 34–39.

8 Worthington E.L., Berry J.W., Hook J.N., Davis D.E., Scherer M., Griffin B.J., Wade N.G., Yarhouse M., Ripley J.S., Miller A.J., Sharp C.B., Canter D.E., Campana K.L. Forgiveness-reconciliation and communication-conflict-resolution interventions versus retested controls in early married couples. J Couns Psychol. 2015; 62(1): 14–27.

9 Ricciardi E., Rota G., Sani L., Gentili C., Gaglianese A., Guazzelli M., Pietrini P. How the brain heals emotional wounds: the functional neuroanatomy of forgiveness. Front Hum Neurosci. 2013; 7: 839 doi: 10.3389/ fnhum.2013.00839.

10 Thompson L.Y., Snyder C.R., Hoffman L., Michael S.T., Rasmussen H.N., Billings L.S., Heinze L., Neufeld J.E., Shorey H.S., Roberts J.C., Roberts D.E. Dispositional forgiveness of self, others, and situations. J Pers. 2005; 73(2): 313–359.

11 Lawler K.A., Younger J.W., Piferi R.L., Jobe R.L., Edmondson K.A., Jones W.H. The unique effects of forgiveness on health: an exploration of pathways. J Behav Med. 2005; 28(2): 157–167.

12 Bono G., McCullough M.E., Root L.M. Forgiveness, feeling connected to others, and well-being: two longitudinal studies. Pers Soc Psychol Bull. 2008; 34(2): 182–195.

13 Fehr R., Gelfand M.J., Nag M. The road to forgiveness: a meta-analytic synthesis of its situational and dispositional correlates. Psychol Bull. 2010; 136(5): 894–914.

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Глава 10. Подготовка к Просветлению

1 Schippers M.B., Roebroeck A., Renken R., Nanetti L., Keysers C. Mapping the information flow from one brain to another during gestural communication. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2010; 107(20): 9388–93893; см. также: Schippers M.B., Gazzola V., Goebel R., Keysers C. Playing charades in the fMRI: are mirror and/or mentalizing areas involved in gestural communication? PLoS One. 2009; 4(8): e6801.

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Глава 11. Усиление переживаний

1 Salimpoor V.N., Benovoy M., Larcher K., Dagher A., Zatorre R.J. Anatomically distinct dopamine release during anticipation and experience of peak emotion to music. Nat Neurosci. 2011; 14(2): 257–262.

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5 Grant J.A., Courtemanche J., Rainville P. A non-elaborative mental stance and decoupling of executive and pain-related cortices predicts low pain sensitivity in Zen meditators. Pain. 2011 Jan; 152(1): 150–156.

6 Isaacowitz D.M. The gaze of the optimist. Pers Soc Psychol Bull. 2005 Mar; 31(3): 407–415.

7 Hurlburt R.T., Heavey C.L., Kelsey J.M. Toward a phenomenology of inner speaking. Conscious Cogn. 2013; 22(4): 1477–1494.

8 Cwik A.J. Associative dreaming: reverie and active imagination. J Anal Psychol. 2011; 56(1): 14–36.

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11 Gruzelier J. A theory of alpha/ theta neurofeedback, creative performance enhancement, long distance functional connectivity and psychological integration. Cogn Process. 2009; 10 Suppl 1: S101–S1019.

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33 Dusek J.A., Otu H.H., Wohlhueter A.L., Bhasin M., Zerbini L.F., Joseph M.G., Benson H., Libermann T.A. Genomic counter-stress changes induced by the relaxation response. PLoS One. 2008; 3(7): e2576.

Приложение. Арсенал для Просветления

1 Larouche M., C?t? G., B?lisle D., Lorrain D. Kind attention and non-judgment in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy applied to the treatment of insomnia: state of knowledge. Pathol Biol (Paris). 2014; 62(5): 284–291.

2 Shennan C., Payne S., Fenlon D. What is the evidence for the use of mindfulness-based interventions in cancer care? A review. Psychooncology. 2011; 20(7): 681–697.

3 Matchim Y., Armer J.M., Stewart B.R. Mindfulness-based stress reduction among breast cancer survivors: a literature review and discussion. Oncol Nurs Forum. 2011; 38(2): E61–71.

4 Williams D., Tricomi G., Gupta J., Janise A. Efficacy of burnout interventions in the medical education pipeline. Acad Psychiatry. 2014; 39(1): 47–54.

5 Fortney L., Luchterhand C., Zakletskaia L., Zgierska A., Rakel D. Abbreviated mindfulness intervention for job satisfaction, quality of life, and compassion in primary care clinicians: a pilot study. Ann Fam Med. 2013; 11(5): 412–420.

6 Beddoe A.E., Murphy S.O. Does mindfulness decrease stress and foster empathy among nursing students? J Nurs Educ. 2004; 43(7): 305–312.

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