Книга: Эволюция: Триумф идеи

Глава 12: Современная жизнь за 50 000 лет до н. э.

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Глава 12: Современная жизнь за 50 000 лет до н. э.

Bertranpetit J. “Genome, diversity, and origins: The Y chromosome as a storyteller.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2000, 97: 6927–6929.

Blackmore S.J. The meme machine. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.

Cavalli-Sforza L.L. Genes, peoples, and languages. New York: North Point Press, 2000.

Chauvet J-M., Brunel-Deschamps E., Hillaire C. Dawn of art: The Chauvet Cave, the oldest known paintings in the world. New York: Abrams, 1996.

Dyson G. Darwin among the machines: The evolution of global intelligence. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1997.

Ehrlich P. Human natures. Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 2000.

Holden C., Mace R. “Phylogenetic analysis of the evolution of lactose digestion in adults.” Human Biology, 1997, 69: 605–628.

Klein R.G. The human career: Human biological and cultural origins. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.

Krings M., Capellia C., Tschentscher F., Geisert H., Meyer S., von Haeseler A., et al. “А view of Neandertal genetic diversity.” Nature Genetics, 2000, 26: 144–146.

____, Geisert H., Schmitz R.W., Krainitzki H., P??bo S. “DNA sequence of the mitochondrial hypervariable region II from the neanderthal type specimen.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1999, 96: 5581–5585.

____, Stone A., Schmitz R.W., Krainitzki Н., Stoneking М., P??bo S. “Neandertal DNA sequences and the origin of modern humans.” Cell, 1997, 90: 19–30.

Lewontin R.C. Human diversity. New York: Freeman, 1995.

Mithen S.J. The prehistory of the mind: A search for the origins of art, religion and science. London: Thames & Hudson, 1996.

Nemecek S. “Who were the first Americans?” Scientific American, 2000, 283: 80–87.

Ovchinnikov I.V., Gotherstrom A., Romanova G.E, Kharitonov V.M., Liden K., Goodwin W. “Molecular analysis of Neanderthal DNA from the northern Caucasus.” Nature, 2000, 404: 490–493.

P??bo S. “Human evolution.” Trends in Cell Biology, 1999, 9: 13–16.

____, “Neolithic genetic engineering.” Nature, 1999, 398: 194–195.

Richards M.P., Pettitt P.B., Trinkaus E., Smith F.H., Paunovic M., Karavanic I. “Neanderthal diet at Vindija and Neanderthal predation: The evidence from stable isotopes.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2000, 97: 7663–7666.

Shen P., Wang F., Underhill P.A., Franco C., Yang W.H., Roxas A., et al. “Population genetic implications from sequence variation in four Y chromosome genes.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2000, 97: 7354–7359.

Shreeve J. The Neandertal enigma: Solving the mystery of modern human origins. New York: Morrow, 1995.

Tattersall I. Becoming human: Evolution and human uniqueness. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1998.

Zimmer C. “After you, Eve”. Natural History, March 2001, 32–35.

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