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Черно-белые иллюстрации

Иллюстрации, помещенные на перечисленных страницах, подготовлены HL Studios: 105, 164 (обе), 168, 184–185, 190 (обе), 194, 195, 205, 206, 207, 210, 212 (все), 217, 241, 243, 245, 246, 248–250, 305, 306, 307, 311 (обе), 313 (обе), 316 (все), 319 (все), 321, 323, 357, 360, 361 (обе), 364 (обе), 369, 374, 379.

20 © The New Yorker Collection 2005 David Sipress from cartoonbank.com. All Rights Reserved.

50, 56 Собственность автора.

69 Darwin, Charles The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, 1868.

72 Los Angeles Natural History Museum.

82 Dudley, J. W. and Lambert, R. G. Ninety generations of selection for oil and protein in maize // Maydica 37 (1992) 81–7.

83 Hunt, H. R., Hoppert, C. A. and Rosen, S. Genetic factors in experimental rat caries // In: R. F. Sognnaes, ed., Advances in Experimental Caries Research (Washington DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1955), 66–81.

91 РИА «Новости»; Belayev, D. K. Destabilizing selection as a factor in domestication // Journal of Heredity 70 (1979), 301–8.

127 Brooks, A. C. and Buss, I. O. Trend in tusk size of the Uganda elephant // Mammalia 26: 1 (1962), 10–34.

130 Herrel, A., Vanhooydonck, B. and van Damme, R. Omnivory in lacertid lizards: adaptive evolution or restraint // Journal of Evolutionary Biology 17 (2004), 974–84.

131 Herrel, A., Vanhooydonck, B. and van Damme, R. Omnivory in lacertid lizards: adaptive evolution or restraint // Journal of Evolutionary Biology 17 (2004), 974–84. Фотография Энтони Херрела.

138, 139, 142, 143 Lenski, R. E. and Travisano, M. Dynamics of adaptation and diversification: a 10,000-generation experiment with bacterial populations // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 91 (1994), 6808–14.

156, 157 © Natural History Museum, London; © Natural History Museum, University of Oslo.

168 Ji Qiang, Luo Zhe-Xi, Yuan Chong-Xi, Wible, John R., Zhang Jian-Ping and Georgi, Justin A. The earliest known eutherian mammal // Nature 416 (25 April 2002), 816–22.

184 Andrews, S. M. and Westoll, T. S. The postcranial skeleton of Eusthenopteron foordi Whiteaves // Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 68 (1970), 207–329.

184 Ahlberg, P. E., Clack, J. and Blom, H. The axial skeleton of the Devonian tetrapod Ichthyostega // Nature 437 (1 Sept. 2005), 137–40; Clack, J. A. The emergence of early tetrapods // Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatoogy, Palaeoecology 232 (2006), 167–89.

185 Реконструкция Дженнифер Клак (Jennifer A. Clack).

188 Prothero, D. R. Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why it Matters, copyright © 2007 Columbia University Press. Печатается с разрешения издателя.

190 Domning, D. P. The earliest known fully quadrupedal sirenian // Nature 413 (11 Oct. 2001), 626–7.

195 Joyce, W. G. and Gauthier, J. A. Palaeoecology of Triassic stem turtles sheds new light on turtle origins // Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 271 (2004), 1–5.

225 © Bone Clones.

226 © Bone Clones.

227 Фотографии Стивена Карра (Stephen Carr) из: Naef, Adolf ber die Urformen der Anthropomorphen und die Stammesgeschichte des Menschensch dels // Die Naturwissenschaften 14:21 (1926), 472–7.

241 Campbell, Neil A., Reece, Jane B. and Mitchell, Lawrence G. Biology, 5th edn, fig. 18.2, p. 321. Copyright © 1999 by Benjamin/Cummings, an imprint of Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. Печатается согласно разрешению Pearson Education, Inc.

245 PZ Myers.

262-263 http://www.wormatlas.org.

283 Собственность Джонатана Кингдона (Jonathan Kingdon).

293 Карикатура Джона Холдена (John Holden); Diets, Robert S. More about continental drift // Sea Frontiers, magazine of the International Oceanographic Foundation, March-April 1967.

306 Wellnhofer, P. Pterosaurs (London: Salamander Books, 1991). 309 Marsh, O. C. Recent polydactyle horses // American Journal of Science, April 1892.

313 Рисунок Джонатана Кингдона (Jonathan Kingdon). 317 Sleightholme, S. R. and Ayliffe, N. P. International Thylacine Specimen Database, Zoological Society of London (2005).

321 Hartog, Marcus Rotifera, gastrotricha, and kinorhyncha // The Cambridge Natural History, vol. II (1896).

325 Haeckel, Ernst Kunstformen der Natur (1899–1904).

327, 328 Thompson, D’Arcy Wentworth On Growth and Form (1917).

343 Собственность Джонатана Ходжкина (Jonathan Hodgkin).

344 Hillis, D., Zwickl, D. and Gutell, R. University of Texas at Austin, http://www.zo.utexas.edu/faculty/antisense/DownloadfilesToL.html.

361 Рисунок Джона Сиббика (John Sibbick).

363 Disney, R. H. L. and Kistner, D. H. Revision of the termitophilous Thaumatoxeninae (Diptera: Phoridae) // Journal of Natural History (1992) 26: 953–91.

375 Berry, R. J. and Hallam, A. The Collins Encyclopedia of Animal Evolution (1986).

377 Фотография доктора Джой Райденберг (Joy S. Reidenberg).

379 Диаграмма Джорджа К. Уильямса (George C. Williams).

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