Книга: Глаз, мозг, зрение

К главе 3.

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К главе 3.

Dowling J. E. The Retina — An Approachable Part of the Brain, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1987.

Kuffler S. W., Nicholls J. G., Martin A. R. From Neuron to Brain, 2d ed., Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Mass., 1984.

Kuffler S. W. Neurons in the retina: Organization, inhibition and excitatory problems. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, 17, 281—292 (1952).

Schnapf J. L., Baylor D. A. How photoreceptor cells respond to light. Sci. Am., 256. 40—47 (1987).

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