Книга: Первые люди

Источники иллюстраций

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Источники иллюстраций

Cover-Painting by Burt Silverman, background photograph from ENTHEOS. 8 - Painting by Burt Silverman, background photograph by Richard Jeffery. 10 to 17 - Paintings by Roger Hane. 23 to 31 - Paintings by David Leffel, background photographs are listed separately; 23-Pete Turner. 24, 25 - Dick Swanson for LIFE. 26, 27 - Department of Watershed Management, The University of Arizona, Tucson. 28, 29 - Robert Walch. 30, 31 - George Warmoth Jr. from FPG. 32 to 47 - Courtesy Annette E. Carmean and Jean M. F. Dubois, except top page 41, courtesy LIFE Picture Collection, and top page 42, drawing adapted by Nicholas Fasciano from original map courtesy Annette E. Carmean and Jean M. F. Dubois. 50 to 53 - Courtesy of The American Museum of Natural History. 59 to 61 - Henry de Lumley. 62 - Henry de Lumley-drawing courtesy Henry de Lumley. 63 - Henry de Lumley. 64, 65 - Courtesy Henry de Lumley, drawn by Henri Puech. 66 to 85 - Drawings by Harvey Dinnerstein, except pages 74, 75, drawings by Burt Silverman. 87 - Diagram by Nicholas Fasciano. 88 to 95 - Models by Nicholas Fasciano, photographs by Richard Steinberg. 96 - George Haling courtesy Professors Ray Dougherty and Michael Helke. 100, 101 - Drawings adapted by Nicholas Fasciano. Top row courtesy Spaarnestad Publishing Firm, Haarlem, Holland, Bottom rows courtesy Dr. Irven DeVore, Harvard University. 103 - Drawings by Nicholas Fasciano based on research by Philip Lieberman and Edmind S. Crelin. 105 - Drawings by Nicholas Fasciano courtesy Saran Jonas. 106 - Haskins Laboratories-Voiceprint Laboratories Corporation. 111 to 123 - Maps by Nicholas Fasciano, photographs are listed separately: 112 - Gordon DeLisle from Alpha Photo Associates. 113 - C. L. Gittens from FPG. 114, 115 - Andreas Feininger for LIFE. 116 - W. King from FPG. 117 - Dr. Georg Gerster from Rapho Guillumette. 118, 119 - J. Ciganovic from Alpha Photo Associates. 120, 121 - Ed Cooper. 122, 123 - Victor Englebert from De Wys. Inc. 124 - Drawings by Nicholas Fasciano. 132, 133 - Drawings by Nicholas Fasciano. 137 - John Nance from Magnum. 138 to 145 - John Launois from Black Star. 146, 147 - Dolf Herras from Nancy Palmer Photo Agency.

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